Brand New Vinyl Static and Pops

Nothing major, but annoying.

Could it be because I was spinning old dirty vinyl which made the platter dirty/dusty?

I'm about to buy the humminguru. Does anything go well with it?



It does seem crazy the expense that one will go to, for a Mechanical Means to Clean a LP. There is nothing to suggest prove the method is improved over a Manual Method using Purpose Produced Solutions.

Where the Mechanical Method has its most significant support is purported by the users as a convenience.

I wear the PAVCR Manual Cleaning Method with Solutions that can be produced in the UK.

In the UK the Starter Kit along with a few other accessories beyond suggested recommendations can be acquired for approx' £150, which is a life times worth of Chemical to produce a Cleaning Solution. Distilled Water may need to be re-purchased over time.

I would suggest the same Starter Kit can be acquired for a cheaper cost in the US.

Either Way Thousands of LP's are able to treated when the Starter Kit is in place.

I have US Tank Cleaning and do not use it, the PAVCR Manual Method has superseded the US Tank Method.

The methodology I have put in place for the Manual Cleaning enables myself to clean 10 LP's in an hour, with the first few cleaned LP's being ready for re-sleeving prior to the hour being used.

The impact of the Manual Cleaning Method using the Cleaning and Rinse Solutions as advised, has left me with the description worthy of being used to explain the impact of the cleaning processes. Is that the LP's are Purified.

I certainly do not need any other method at hand, with the result being achieved.        

My ritual for a new;

Holding the album on a table standing up. Razor the shrink wrap pressing down on the cover now bowing the album so that the album cover bows outward.You should notice the record sleeve clinging to the album.

While the sleeve still inside the cover. Using a Zerostat gun placing the nozzle into the sleeve between the record and the sleeve at one corner of the sleeve and SLOWLY pressing the trigger, move the gun toward the other corner of the sleeve.

You should hear 2 clicks as you travel, timing the the pressing of the trigger to the end with a full press.This will release a POSITIVE stream of ions. Alternate to the other side of the album 2 or 3 times per side should do it. You'll know you're finished when the record sleeve has released from the album. Both the album cover and sleeve should be bowed outward away from the album. Now pull the sleeve out.

Now bowing the sleeve {with gloves if you like} SLOWLY grip the album ROLLING the album out. DO NOT STRAIGHT PULL the album! This will only reload the album with a static charge.

Then I clean the album with a cleaning machine. I also use Gruv glide.

I have one particular album that has only 2 pops on a side and NONE on the other side. It has worked for me every time.

That’s vinyl! It’s part of it. A while ago I purchased an Audio deske system ultra sonic cleaner. I only expected it to really clean my records but it improved the sound and quieted the discs so much that it’s really noticeable. I’ve tried other methods, brushes, cleaners, grounding, but this is the only thing that really made a difference. 

Has anyone got a Dynagroove brush? There’s a strip of polonium built in near the fibers that emits both positive and negative ions. You use it as a brush like the Audioquest brush. They were taken off the market because of the mildly radioactive polonium. I think it works for me just prior to needle drop but because static charge is so idiosyncratic I dare not swear by it.


Has anyone got a Dynagroove brush?

Hmmm, Dynagroove was an RCA "innovation," no?

There’s a strip of polonium built in near the fibers that emits both positive and negative ions. You use it as a brush like the Audioquest brush. They were taken off the market because of the mildly radioactive polonium

That sounds like StaticMaster. It’s still available.