I have been few a variety of Cables over the years, exchanging OFC Wire Cables for OCC Copper/Silver Wire Cables.
Most recently OCC Copper/Silver has been superseded by PC Triple C Wire and D.U.C.C Wire that is used in Cables.
The D.U.C.C Wire used in a Cable has worked excellently as a CDT>DAC Umbilical COAX. The D.U.C.C Wire Cable superseded Mapleshade Ribbon Cables.
I was also a user of Mapleshade Clearview Double Helix Speaker Cable.
The Mapleshade Speaker Cable was Trialed in a line up of Cables at a Bake Off on a well known system. Speaker Cables were present up to £1500 per pair.
The Mapleshade Cables used in this system came in as a unanimously agreed by the attendees, Joint First Place on this system.
The Mapleshade Cables are superseded in my system today with PC Triple C Wire used in the Speaker Cable.
When in comes to Umbilical Connection, I have recently been demonstrated on a Ponostage by the designer /owner the impact a Pure Copper Low Eddy RCA Chassis Mounted Connector can have on the SQ.
Two identical Schematic > Topology Phonostages were available, with the only differences being one has a Pure Copper RCA the other has a Pure Copper Low Eddy RCA Connector
Along with the Chassis Mounted Connector there were Two Identical Cables, where one was with the Producers RCA Connector and the other with a Low Eddy RCA as a exchange RCA Connector.
The differences detected was substantial and for the better.
The Cables used on the Chassis Mounted Copper RCA was quite obvious the Low Eddy cleaned up the presentation to a much more attractive SQ.
The Cables used on the Pure Copper Low Eddy Chassis, was quite something to experience, the Producers Cable>RCA was used first and it was a good presentation.
When the Cable was exchanged to the Low Eddy RCA Connector, the magic occurred, the X Factor was presented, there was no going back to compare again, it was blatantly perceivable the betterment was present.
As the owner suggested, imagine doing this all again with a few hundred usage hours on the Phon' and Cables.
If a DAC > CDT has a device out of a warranty period and they are willing to tweak to extract a little more, this is a very cost effective way to investigate, and one that can be achieved with relative ease.