What speakers work with low wattage class A amps

Hi everyone. I am setting up a system and have been really impressed by some low volume listening I was able to do through a class A amp. Class A amps usually have lower watts in a given price range, and are not as practical for big power. What speakers have sensitivity that would make sense for an amp with 25 Watts or less (eg some of the entry level class A options from Pass Labs)?  Are we limited to horn speakers? The speakers I have are said to require “high current amps”. Is this a factor as well? Thanks for your help. 


+1 Coincident Technology and Reference 3a if you don’t want horns, Klipsch, etc.  

A FirstWatt F8 amplifier (by Nelson Pass) drives my Focal Aria 906's just fine, even though the speakers are rated at only 89.5 dB sensitivity. So does a Quicksilver integrated amp. The listening room is moderate size, not a big bare box.

The F8 uses FET transistors that Pass favors. The Quicksilver is a tube amp.