CDP Isolation?

Do you think Walker Valid Points or inner tube isolation would work better for a CD/SACD player?
Isolation? Some isolation? Total isolation? Isolation from what is floorborne? Isolation from what may be airborne. How about isolation from what is internally generated? How would you be able to attain isolation? Tom
Tom, this is all true. Any one isolation scheme doesn't answer all the problems, so you have to go by what sounds best for you.

Actually, the best isolation for a cdp I ever tried was hanging my player with fishline from the ceiling. I would like to return to that again, the problem is I have a cathedral ceiling now, makes proper mounting a much more complicated affair. Still, even this does not totally isolate from air, ceiling or internal vibration.
I agree with you. What gets me is this.

The word isolation is such a poor choice of a descriptive term for a product catagory that fails to function well with one physical state let alone several at the same time. Designers need to look away from the so called isolation method and pursue other mind sets to describe and function within the world of electro mechanical resonance.Tom
The strange thing is: even when using a form of air isolation (pressurized air or magnetic levitation) the sound can actually degrade (less PRaT, less midbass slam, more laidback and uninvolving sound). Theoretically it shouldn't, but in real life it happens! Can anyone give some explanation? Could it be that audio gear don't behave like electron microscopes?

Just like Upstateaudio says The Finite Elemente is seriously good.I've compared the Finite With Harmonix Tuning feet,The Finite Elemente wins hands down.I do not consider them as tweaks,they are a necessity.You really should audition them.