CDP Isolation?

Do you think Walker Valid Points or inner tube isolation would work better for a CD/SACD player?
I recently got creative with Finite Elemente and BDR cones on my APL-modded Denon 3910. AFter lots of trial and error using brass points, cerapucs and ceraballs, I ended up with a mix that really works for me.

I have 1 cerapuc in the center rear of the CDP, with 2 cerapuc bases (hollow end up) each supporting a Black Diamond racing cone, with the tips in the center of each cerapuc base.

I'm not sure why this works, but it just does. I am getting a more delineated soundstage, better depth, instrument placement, dynamics and overall balance and musicality than anything else I've tried. I also get lots of speed and detail without any harshness, while still retaining excellent bass and the great mids VAC gear is famous for. I was very surprised at the sonic improvements I could achieve with the right combination of supports under my CDP.
I use a previous version of the Cerapucs in some places in my system, I prefer the Aurios. In speaking with Bes at Music Direct just today, I was asking about sonic differences between the Aurios, Stillpoints and Cerapuks/Cerabase. I mentioned I heard a slight dampening effect with my Cerapucs. He responded that the Aurios allows much more movement in the horizontal direction, thus, equipment with greater amounts of internal vibration may prefer the Aurios. Essentially, it is allowing a greater amount of internal vibration to escape through it's greater horizontal movement. It seems to me it is preferable to have this horizontal movement with a cdp. The circular movement of the high speed transport creates horizontal movement of the player, this movement is allowed greater free play with the Aurios.

I'm not trying to say the Aurios is preferable in all cases, just something to think about.
I also heard dampening with the cerapucs - the cerabases, however, were just the opposite in my system.
With Finite Elemente,you do have to follow the manufacturer's recommendations with regards to the weight supported,quite closely.

If you have a heavy amp and put a ceraball for example,you might not get the desired result.

Anyway IMO ,having tried many support systems,I have found that the CERA range fr Finite to be the best by a fair margin,followed by the Harmonix tuning feet from Japan.Greatest invention in hi-fi,the CERAs IMHO.