Seriously though, maybe the best tweak is exercise?

I posted, mostly in jest, before that cleaning your gear would yield fantastic sounding results. Yes, it was a joke, brought about by the fact that I thought the sound was better afterwards. Of course it was probably placebo ... but what if the actual cause is moderate exercise?

So, audiogoners, I challenge all of you to go out, put some bug spray on, and put your fancy iPhone or Android HR monitor to good use.  Then sit yourself and your sports drink down and listen.

Does it sound better?


I listen while I’m in my pool. Thanks for joking with us @erik_squires ….you wild and crazy guy you! 

@michaellent Best reason not to exercise EVER!  Makes me want to move to a higher elevation.  You know, I didn't make it to the gym today.  That makes, um, 4,752 days in row!!! 😀

Staying in good health may not improve your listening experience, but it’s been proven that you’ll be listening for awhile longer.

Without a doubt vigorous exercise releases good brain chemicals and opens the mind. Music always sounds really good when I’m done.