CD player for Mcintosh/Krell int amp

I currently use two different int amps for listening to music.......Krell KAV 400xi and also a Mcintosh MA6300.

I like both of them and they are not going anywhere...
however I am looking for a cd player.

*XLR outputs
*$2000-$3000 new or used
*detailed for redbook with good bass
*SACD is a not have to have it
*Tube player would work well with either

I currently have a Mcintosh MCD 201 which I really like
for SACD......I have a couple SACD'S. But I think I can do
better with redbook..which is 98% what I listen to.
I have had the Rega's and MF's. I really liked the A5 from not understand why they do NOT use balanced outputs.

Really looking at an AYRE(ax7e) or ESOTERIC(SA10) or used ACCUPHASE.

I am really not into the modded $800 cd player for $2000.

You should get different amps the 6300 should have been swapped for the 7000 and the "baby Krell" should be sent packing and get yourself a real Krell. The Epitome was the non plateau biased early models that knew what Class A meant. They hold nothing back the KSA 250 for example is worth buying and sending it to Krell for a good refurb.
Any Cd player will be much better with those amps. Perhaps the best CDP is a computer transport and server, they are so clean they just cant function if there is a bad clock and jitter is non existant. You will need a good DAC and interface but don't fret computers don't have balanced outputs and stand alone CDPs are dissapearing fast. The other option to consider is a universal player with a good uadio section.
AYRE(ax7e) with great XLR interconnects should give you the details. I auditioned the 7e with different sets of Audioquest interconnects and notice sonic difference when moving up to next level.
I do like both of my amps and would not trade them.
I am looking at the AYRE very closely.