CD player for Mcintosh/Krell int amp

I currently use two different int amps for listening to music.......Krell KAV 400xi and also a Mcintosh MA6300.

I like both of them and they are not going anywhere...
however I am looking for a cd player.

*XLR outputs
*$2000-$3000 new or used
*detailed for redbook with good bass
*SACD is a not have to have it
*Tube player would work well with either

I currently have a Mcintosh MCD 201 which I really like
for SACD......I have a couple SACD'S. But I think I can do
better with redbook..which is 98% what I listen to.
I have had the Rega's and MF's. I really liked the A5 from not understand why they do NOT use balanced outputs.

Really looking at an AYRE(ax7e) or ESOTERIC(SA10) or used ACCUPHASE.

I am really not into the modded $800 cd player for $2000.

Dave_b.Got your point .There is absolutely no need to be rude and disrespectful.I am here to lend my support to our friend here.If you agree to disagree,you have to take the manufacturers claims very carefully.

1}The 400xi is not FULLY balanced.The FBI is .

2]the manufacturer also claim that it is a class A amp.Maybe you can tell our friend here ,how many % is actually biased in the class A ?I hope you will not think ALL 200 watts of it is in class A[and start insulting others that point out the fact that it isn't]

3]the reason why I highlighted it was because,I saw that klaudio mentioned that he wants a CDP with balance out.It is fine if you want balance out,just make sure it is a Fully balanced design and the intergrated amp preamp section will not get saturated.

4]I was looking for an intergrated amp last year and I have heard a LOT of int amps ,including the 2 KRELLS.I will reserve my judgment about them,suffice to say that the FBI is really one good amp.


I meant to say you are so full of information Fafafion:) I've owned the FBI...nice piece, but not 15K worth better. I know the design arguments from way back when balanced was pro only gear. My experience with the countless number of HiFi kit that have been in and out of my home is that one must experiment and work with a system over time for best results or even to begin to grasp an understanding of the potential encased within each units case work. Ears and experimentation alone will yield satisfaction...pretending to understand audio design and it's capabilities/shortcomings is a straw man argument. Reality is never what were told...experience alone will reveal the truth!!
Dave_b,I will accept your compliment graciously,thank you.

You see,when klaudio was wondering why MF didn't have a balanced out in their CDP,the answers to me are simple;

1]MF is a honest company.The CDP is not a balanced design unit,and they are not trying to fool the customers by putting a balance out[which a lot of companies do]

2.Balanced does not necessarily better,especially at the lower price point

As far as KRELL is concerned to my ears,The FBI is the best of all KRELL products.Is it worth the 15k difference?I know some friends who absolutely think it is .And KRELL likes KRELL.It is as simple as that isn't it?KRELL CDP with KRELL amp and cablings and KRELL/Wilson sp.That has been my experience ,at least.
It's never as simple as that I'm afraid..wish it were, would have saved many thousands of dollars over the years. Once one does their best choosing components based on thier preferences, the job has just begun. Cabling is something I am extremely strong about after owning most manufacturers brands over the years. Bottom line is that I have never found a balanced connection on a piece of kit that was not superior sounding. For musicality and any other HiFi quip one would care to conjur up, MIT and Transparent products have offered me the best results. My reference points are always live music, whether it be classical, jazz or rock!! Remember, the room your in counts for more than 50% of the results you will experience. Krell cast is a trick pony for installers..lossless but not very musical sounding. Wilson speakers I've owned responded well to many amp/preamp combinations be it tube or solid state. Krell gear has generally sounded good to great with any speaker system I have owned. Recently Krell has decided to cater to A/V installations while reducing parts quality as well as removing Class A from their amps. The Evo stuff is not better sounding than the older FPB fact it's a bit a-musical sounding..I owned a full kit a year ago and sold it!! The FBI is/was my favorite unit..sold it for a re-allocation of funds. After digging out my old 400xi, upgrading my Sacd standard to V3 and lashing it up with 20k plus of MIT Oracle V2.2 cables and Transparent MM PC's...well I was amazed at the purity of the upper registers in particular, along with a more natural flow to the music. I liked it so much that I banked all my cash and have enjoyed my music far more than in recent times. I could go on for hours, but suffice it to say, it's fun for us audiophiles to attempt to understand this hobby via reason, but the ghosts are still in the machines and it takes great skill and patience to harness them for our own pleasures. Enjoy!
Wow........I thought I would hear more comments
about the Mcintosh MA 6300 than the Krell.
I have owned more Mcintosh pieces than Krell,
so I am going to take all of your advice with the

I thought it looked (KRELL) and sounded great for the price.
I am very happy with it........the bottom line test
for my toe tapping.....and I did not have
to take out a loan to buy it. I may have to look at the Krell SACD.
Was thinking along the AYRE pathway...but that could change.

I am more into listening to the music than to try
to find some sound I have not heard on a recording
I have heard 4,000,000 times. This hobby is much
more fun that way for me......I used to be like that!

I know more about the Krell 400xi than when I bought it..
that's for sure!