CD player for Mcintosh/Krell int amp

I currently use two different int amps for listening to music.......Krell KAV 400xi and also a Mcintosh MA6300.

I like both of them and they are not going anywhere...
however I am looking for a cd player.

*XLR outputs
*$2000-$3000 new or used
*detailed for redbook with good bass
*SACD is a not have to have it
*Tube player would work well with either

I currently have a Mcintosh MCD 201 which I really like
for SACD......I have a couple SACD'S. But I think I can do
better with redbook..which is 98% what I listen to.
I have had the Rega's and MF's. I really liked the A5 from not understand why they do NOT use balanced outputs.

Really looking at an AYRE(ax7e) or ESOTERIC(SA10) or used ACCUPHASE.

I am really not into the modded $800 cd player for $2000.

"Krell cast is a trick pony for installers..lossless but not very musical sounding."

You win the prize to date for greatest Krell bash statement I've heard in a long time.

Obviously you have no real or long term experience with this equipment, either that or you are severely misinformed as to the definition of "musicality."
No real or long term experience......cut me a break.
This is not a Jolida thread.
Stevecham, I have owned the following krell gear:

Evo202, 402 and 505

It is you who are mistaken my friend. That said, I still respect Krell alot and would prefer their gear over most others. My problem with krell is that they have moved in other directions since concentrating on 2ch/purist audio. The parts quality is way down, european standards have driven away the class A design from their Evo amps and cast does not serve the strips it of vitality and makes it sound very clean, neat and tidy. The only improvement noteworthy was from my 505 to the 202 preamp...the increased dyanmic range was nice.
So Dave, exactly what is "musical?"

Do you mean to say that via CAST, Krell does not provide music?

I'm truly happy to have found other Krellophiles but this use of the term "musicality" is such a turn off; it carries no reference, is meaningless and conveys no useful information.
Musical as a term conveys the impression that a system imparts the sonic hallmarks of a given recording relative to what it would sound like live. Live sound is dynamic, expressive and full of color...cast is not! Go to live concert, try cast on si balanced miliar material at home, replace cast with great cable and decide. Cast tends to constrict or thin the sound a bit and makes it sound harder. A great balanced cable can allow the music to flow and breathe!!