Yes, the 705s are not that hard to drive. But whether the speakers were sensitive or not was not the issue. Did I like the sound? I know two people who have Maggie's and 400 watts in each monoblock to drive them. They love them. I see no reason to consider the fact that a speaker is hard to drive as a negative in and of itself. If you don't have or can't afford the power to drive them, then sure, it's a factor.
This is why it makes a difference: the harder you push the amp, the more difficult the load, the more distortion the amp will make. The other thing to consider is that not all really high powered amps are all that musical- its pretty well known that smaller amps tend to sound better.
I suspect you're using the same amp since both the speakers you mentioned are fairly easy to drive. But consider that if 100 Watts won't do it, you'd need 4 to 8x more power to do the job and as you point out, that can be expensive.
Also keep in mind that while the ZU is easy to drive, its not the only speaker that is meant to be easy to drive and there a number that IMO are also better sounding (while also being more efficient).