Why is everyone so down on MQA?

Ok. MQA is a little bit complicated to understand without doing a little research. First of all: MQA is not technically a lossy format. The way it works is very unique. The original master tape (Holy grail of SQ) is folded or compressed into a smaller format. It is later unfolded through a process I don’t claim to understand. The fully processed final version is lossless! It is the song version from the original master tape. FYI, original master tapes are usually the best sounding, they are also the truest version of any song- they are painstakingly produced along with the artist in the studio during the recording process. Ask anyone, they are the real deal. For some reason most people hate the sound quality! One caveat, the folding/unfolding process is usually carried out at one time by a dac. But some dacs only compress and do not unfold….I think Meridian should explain dac/ streamer compatibility issue. When your hardware supports the single step the sound quality is pretty amazing. They should have explained in more detail what the format is all about.


I don't know about Tidal. When I'm not listening to my own sources, I listen to MQA Radio Paradise with a Bluesound NODE N130 and a Topping D90SE DAC. The Bluesound has a DC power card so that there's no AC interference, and the combo sounds terrific.

It's probably the purists who detest MQA, as the idea of removing superfluous information is considered sacrosanct, even if listening proves otherwise.


What the hell are you referring to? I can't even begin to imagine!

Wait a minute, do you mean the method MQA uses to squeeze its information on to a standard CD. Its proprietary compression method that everyone detests.


When the MQA guys | Wilson (Peter McGrath) | ROON guys gave a demo of MQA on a $100K system, Wilson and T+A gear. I could not tell a difference. Now my ears were ringing bit from a blast of music from another demo, but I think my ears were still in good enough shape to be able hear a difference.

This given me an idea. I have a MQA supporting Lumin X1 DAC and a RAAL SR1a earphones. If there is any difference with MQA I will hear it on the SR1a via Tidal. It is hard to get more revealing than the SR1a. Something to do this Saturday evening.