Worth fixing?

I have a Rotel 951 CD player paired with an Arcam alpha7 amp and Paradigm speakers. One speaker cuts in and out occasionally. (Which doesn’t happen with the turntable). Swapped it with an Onkyo CD player and problem solved so it’s clearly the CD player issue.  But it has some sentimental value. Ideas about what the problem might be and is it fixable by me.  Or should I junk it. 


You should just get a newer Rotel RCD-1572MKII, you can find them for around $1,200.00 or try to find a new older RCD-1572 I have 2 of them and I paid around $700.00 for each, just take your time and you can find some deals on demo models from many different brands.

Wish it well, and replace it with an Audiolab 6000CDT…..great unit, but transport only…..you didn’t mention if you had a DAC

When I finally get rid of a piece of equipment, I thank it for it's service. Sounds weird, but it makes me feel less guilty. And FWIW, if you thrift or recycle it, there are hobbyists that love fixing stuff on their own time.

Could just be a cold solder joint……..

Worth opening the hood to check…? 

Update. I believe I have been blaming the wrong device. The new CD player also started doing more or less the same thing.  Took @uncledemp ’s advice, recnnected the Rotel and started switching cables around. I think the issue is in with the Arcam receiver on CD setting connecting to the left speaker.  (Turntable setting doesn’t have this problem).  Does that seem plausible ?  

I switched  to the SP2 connects and  both speakers work.  Might actually sound better. Since I only have 2 speakers this isn’t a problem.  Or is it.