@bmontani I don’t find this to be true for me. I am constantly finding new music from all different time periods and genres. There are tons of new great artists but you do have to turn over some rocks. I find that having a streamer makes it very easy.
@chrisoshea Some do listen to new music...I’m 67 and am always discovering new music. Try Stereophile music reviews for some great stuff you may not have discovered yet.
I did not read the entire thread, but I am pretty sure there are other responses similar to the above examples.
I hope those of you who fit the above types of profiles, are the exceptions in the world.
This forum is not a fair sample of the general music listening public. This is a music specific forum, on an audiophile site.
The fact that people like this exist on this forum at greater numbers than the general music listening public is not a surprise. This site has the function of filtering out the more serious music listeners than would be found in the general population.