What's the bottom line on Oppo 980 for CD playback

Ok, apparently no uni player excells at CD playback. I'd like to get something that isn't obsolete right out of the box. Can this thing really satisfy me as a CD player? What about these reports I have heard about it cutting off the first few seconds of every disc? Are you having this problem? Is anybody really using it for CD enough to care? For now, I don't care about SACD, Video, DVDA, Multi Channel, etc. I heard the Cary DVD 8 at over $1000. and was unimpressed, especially when compared to their $4000. CD player. Where should I turn? Cambridge 740? Music Hall 25? Any DVDers that are good with CD? Thanks for any info or input, Chris H.
Joe, thank you for your contribution to this thread.

I am interested in trying your modded Oppo. Does the means to get a US version with 110V operation exist?
Hi Trelja. At the moment only 220-240V, but... the Oppo itself can handle all voltages from 100V (Japan) and up. It is the separate Reference/TF module which has it own (totally separate from the player but yet inside) that is currently 220-240V. But it only requires a change of a single power transformer and the player becomes 110-120V compatible (but now not compatible with other voltages). I can supply ONE for USD $800 including air shipping. But eventually these players should become available from US agents of Vacuum State. The kits will be shipped from Switzerland and US compatible and be fitted by them. This will not be until Q2 2009 I suspect. BTW, I have a client in New Zealand who ordered a RAM upgraded Oppo with everything done to it including cryo, quite a bit over a grand. He no longer has it and has one of our TF players. The TF is in an entirely different sonic class.
I can recommend 3 as universal players...the atoll dv200, new NAD M56, and arcam DV139 or later. all are very good at CD playback. None of these are cheap, but not as expensive as Mcintosh, Krell or Esoteric. You could try and find a used Linn unidisc...they were great for cd playback. Hope this helps.