Just for discussion purposes I am posing this.

Many people that review - nay almost everyone - says that when testing a component against another you do a direct comparison without changing a thing save that component therefore same everything but the cartridge or tonearm.


I have wondering if this is a bad approach or not as I am contemplating a bake off at home. My EMT is optimised for an EMT 929arm and EMT cartridge; Amazon Model One Transfiguration; JVC QL10 (not sure but i reckon good mm so Pickering XSV4000); Townshend Rock (london decca - sadly not got one)


My rationale is that lets say you race a car rounda track you don't put Porsche 911 tyres (including the wheel and tyre) onto say a mercedes CLK - yes it will work but it is not optimised.


I am not a reviewer - but that said I think the whole front end optimised approach is the best. What say you and why?


I've always been a proponent of using a TT from same manufacturer as their arm i.e. Kuzma. Yes many other arms will work on a Kuzma table but I think the best match would be  kuzma arm. Just my 2 cents worth. 

Great Plinth; Great Spinner; Great Arm(s); Dust Cover.

Consider if you want a long arm, will table allow it?

Consider if you want multiple arms, i.e. one fixed MC cartridge; One Removable Headshell for several optional cartridges (yours or listen to a friends). If so, then easy arm height adjustment is desirable.

With help here I went from a fairly common table with one arm, removable headshell, to a superior vintage plinth, superior vintage spinner, and started with 2 arms, then squeezed a 3rd arm on:

one 12.5" fixed MC, (not easy height change, 2 allen screws);

2nd 9" removable headshell, extremely easy arm height, several cartridges mounted in their headshells, overhang/null preset.

3rd 9" fixed Mono (I wish it was removable headshell, but it needs very compact counterweight section in order to fit when dust cover is on, Mission/Jelco 774lc just fits.

It would be rare or impossible to find 3 OEM arms to do what I do. A great arm is a great arm.

Many cars, you can run 'normal' tires/rims or change to mag rims, low profile tires.

Superior handling with the mag/low profile; but watch out for potholes ...the rims damage easily.