Should I

Have a 30 plus year old Rowland model 5 amp.  Should I recap even though it works fine?


Talk to Rowland, they service all their legacy products.  I had a 112 power amp serviced four years ago where they did the caps and also made some circuitry updates.  Including shipping it was less than $400.  There was s note saying that Jeff R. actually did the work.

                   What rsf507 & onhwy61 said:


                      IF you're not the DIY type.

Yes, they're at or past their expected life (in terms of meeting like new spec) But- I wouldn't sink the money into it. Buy a much newer pre-owned amp instead. There are dozens that are as good or far better and are pretty affordable. 

Yes, they're at or past their expected life (in terms of meeting like new spec) But- I wouldn't sink the money into it. Buy a much newer pre-owned amp instead. There are dozens that are as good or far better and are pretty affordable. 

I remember those amps well.  That was the first really nice amp I heard.  I don’t know about recapping, but that is a very high quality amp and worth keeping up with whatever it needs.  I totally disagree that you will find any used amp that’s even remotely close to that level of quality in the affordable category.  Good luck!