tube cd player with solid state amp and preamp

will a tube cd player yield a tube sound with a denon receiver as a preamp and a b&k 2 channel amp? I listened to a tube system and I liked the sound of it for 2 channel listening but I dont really have the resources to buy a totally tube system. What I have right now is a solid state Ht system that in my opinion sounds descent for ht and 2 channel listening. If I add a tube cd player will it produce a tube sound or is it a waste of money? any recommendations?
In a word, no. You may warm up the tonal spectrum, or not, depending on your choice, but the real magic with tubes, the REAL magic, is with the amp/speaker combo. The pre-amp is a nice place for tubes but thats much less than half of the magic.

That said there are a few nice 'warm' cdp's out there.
I have an Onkyo NR-905 for H/T, I tried running a Raysonic 168 through the pre amp section with an external 5 channel amp, it sounded better than the Denon 3930 ci I use for H/T but the receiver can't convey that tube sound . Short answer, a waste of money. Is that Pandora's box I hear opening and the sound of the recently infected coughing from within!!!

Agree with Newbee, that while a tube CDP will add some tube warmth to your system, to get a true tube sound, you're going to need a tube amp. If I was you I would be looking for a used tube integrated amp (check audiogon listings), and add that to your system. Chances are you can get a tube integrated amp for less money than you can get a tube CDP. And you'll definely be closer to the tube sound you're looking for.