tube cd player with solid state amp and preamp

will a tube cd player yield a tube sound with a denon receiver as a preamp and a b&k 2 channel amp? I listened to a tube system and I liked the sound of it for 2 channel listening but I dont really have the resources to buy a totally tube system. What I have right now is a solid state Ht system that in my opinion sounds descent for ht and 2 channel listening. If I add a tube cd player will it produce a tube sound or is it a waste of money? any recommendations?
In a word, no. You may warm up the tonal spectrum, or not, depending on your choice, but the real magic with tubes, the REAL magic, is with the amp/speaker combo. The pre-amp is a nice place for tubes but thats much less than half of the magic.

That said there are a few nice 'warm' cdp's out there.
I have an Onkyo NR-905 for H/T, I tried running a Raysonic 168 through the pre amp section with an external 5 channel amp, it sounded better than the Denon 3930 ci I use for H/T but the receiver can't convey that tube sound . Short answer, a waste of money. Is that Pandora's box I hear opening and the sound of the recently infected coughing from within!!!

Agree with Newbee, that while a tube CDP will add some tube warmth to your system, to get a true tube sound, you're going to need a tube amp. If I was you I would be looking for a used tube integrated amp (check audiogon listings), and add that to your system. Chances are you can get a tube integrated amp for less money than you can get a tube CDP. And you'll definely be closer to the tube sound you're looking for.
The Cayin 50T tube integrated amp looks very appealing to someone who has little to spend on a tube amp. More tube bang for the buck than getting a CD player.