Good speakers for Parasound Halo JC1

I have all Parasound Halo electronics — JC1 amps, JC2 BP preamp, JC3 Phono amp, and CD1 CD player — and love them all.  Wonderful detail but plenty of bottom end.

My speakers are Usher MD2 — nice sound, respectable speakers but I’m ready to take the plunge and move up.

I’m headed to AXPONA in a few weeks and want to audition potential replacement speakers. I’d be interested to hear what speakers you’ve heard that are awesome matches for the JC1s. My room is mid-size that will accommodate decent size but not huge boxes. 

Thanks all.


128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xmikempls

@mikempls There will be multiple rooms with rockport speakers this year. i think at least two with the atria II and one with Cygnus. i owned the Atria II for two years and loved them.  I paired them with 2 jl f100v2 subs to great results. i just upgraded to the Cygnus my endgame speaker. My room is only 17 x15 but they sound great in the room. 

OP since you didn't mention what your cabling and PLC are...? I replaced mine  about 6 months ago and was shocked at the improvement over pretty expensive Wire World series 8 speaker cables and interconnects

I replaced them with Odin 2 knockoffs from DIY HiFi Store in China at a fraction the the cost of the WW s
