Amp Warranty Repair - What's an acceptable timescale for turnaround?


My amplifier failed at the end of January of this year. I contacted the retailer who advised me it was still under warranty and he undertook to contact the distributor. At this stage I assumed that its repair would entail a trip to a highly regarded technician whose workshop is a 2 hour drive from my home!

The dealer got back to me and said that he had spoken with the distributor who said that the amp could not be repaired locally and would have to be returned to the manufacturer. 

I left the Amp with the dealer on the 1st February 23. As returning it to the manufacturer required an overseas journey I did not expect the turnaround to be a quick one!

I last spoke with the dealer on 30th March. He said he was trying to chase things up with the distributer but did not know anything else about the Amp as they had not updated him about it.

The conversation ended with me asking him to try and contact the distributer for an update and to see if he could get an approximate date for its return to me! The Dealer said he would try, and to be fair to him he has, on 2 occasions, offered to loan me an amp, He also said he felt awkward as he didn't know what to tell me, and added that he had to go via the distributer as he could not contact the manufacturer himself (politics I  guess!).

Now I don't expect miracles, but am I unreasonable in thinking that this lack of communication from the distributer is an example of appallingly poor customer services! I would also add that they have my details as the product was registered with them!

Any thoughts would be welcome as I am not sure what the best way forwards is!





Many thanks everyone for replies and advise - it is much appreciated! 

I accept, and apologize for the fact that I am being frustratingly vague regarding details about the product and the distributor. That's because the only thing I am certain of is that I delivered the Amp in person to the dealer on the 1st February. 

I don't want to 'name and shame' at this stage because for all I know there was a delay between him receiving and forwarding the unit, or it could be on its way back to me as I type! Perhaps the distributor is struggling with a health/family issue that is affecting things, etc etc. 

Its the lack of communication that I have the biggest gripe with, but as I have so little information to go on I don't whether this is the fault of the Dealer, Distributor or Manufacturer....  

The next time I speak with the dealer, if he cannot give me an update then I will tell him that I will contact the distributor directly myself and if they do not respond I will then contact the manufacturer as there is nothing to stop me doing either of these things!

Based upon what other people are saying, any future purchases I make will be determined, not so much by how the product performs, but upon the level of support/customer service the distributer/manufacturer provide.... 

one needs to think carefully if/when they choose to call out a retailer, dealer, distributor or manufacturer for bad service on a public enthusiast forum

but doing so without specifics is completely worthless, as are the replies engendered as a result


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It isn’t the dealer’s fault, probably not the distributor’s either. But the Brand should be identified.