Pre-owned cartridge recommendations for $500 and $1,000

Looking for cartridge recommendations to match my system, which is as follows:

Yamaha PX2 TT with Hana EH (also have Technics SP15 with AT arm and modded Denon 103R)

SAS Audio Labs 11A line stage and Eastern Minimax phono stage  (also have Classe CT-SSP)

Chapter Audio Model Two amplifier (also have Cary 200.2)

Acoustat 2+2 electrostatic speakers

Sound dispersion panels behind the Acoustats.  No other sound attenuation.  Room is carpeted.

Musical Fidelity A5 CD player (also have Metronome tube CD player)

Listening room is 13 x 22 x 8.  I listen mainly to jazz and rock.  I would appreciate your opinion with my system if spending $1,000 will yield an appreciable difference in playback vs a $500 cartridge, and if you feel there is a budget sweet spot (maybe > $1,000) for best value to sound ratio.

I seek a natural sound with good imaging.  Appreciate your thoughts and thanks in advance.




Yes the Yamaha PX2 is a tangential tracking turntable.  Sorry, but not sure what compliance refers to (I am learning), but according to the manual, the arm produces  from 1.0 gram tracking force with 16.5 g effective weight up to 2.0 g. tracking force with 17.5 gram effective weight Is that what you are asking?

And thanks everyone for weighing in.  I appreciate the time you took to respond.  My quandary is that there are so many variables I don't want to select a cartridge and hope for the best.  Even though everyone hears differently, your experience is valuable to me.

i would echo the kudos given here to benz (i would favor the glider) and/or the art 9 from audiotechnica -- lovely carts, do pretty much everything well, glider available in your choice of output level

Personally, the only cartridge I’d buy used would be a SoundSmith. A complete rebuild at a fraction of the price new? Yes, please.