Hey thanks guys in short your collective recommendations are spot on audiophile that is sell the system and start over. Seriously I appreciate your feedback it has given me direction. I'll upgrade cables if that's not the solution, I'll move the integrated. I like that "Due" tube and ss combo powered sweetness sadly a bit out of my reach$ and a bit to quirky with the controls per review. I like the Cantons for what they bring to my near field listening just need to be a bit warmer,the EQ does not seem to do it. kenjit that what I've come to understand about class D a little light,so your saying I can't make a silver purse out of a sows ear. To paraphrase form the Treasures of the Sierra Madre; Speaker tuner,I don't have no speaker tuner, I don't need no speaker tuner,I don't have to use no stinkin speaker tuner.
My prior system was all Adcom cd,pre/tuner,amp, driving Snell C2s after some decades I figured I try an integrated and stand mounted.In all respects the current system is better except for the smother(rolled off) sound of the big Snells. The tube systems I've heard (few and far between) were to me a bit unnaturally smooth,but not AR,thats great gear and I will keep my eye out for it used. Thanks again