Is It Common For Questions About Gear For Sale To Go Unanswered?

I have been a member of the Audiogon Community for a few years, mainly as an outlier, but I have asked a few questions and responded to a few threads.  Compared to most of the Members of this community, I fly way under the radar with my knowledge of all things Hi Fi, but I'm doing my best to learn.  But one thing I've noticed (and I'm wondering if it is just common practice) is many times when I ask a question about a piece of gear for sale, I get absolutely no reply at all.  Not an answer, not a request for clarification, not even a "go to hell and stop bothering me".


There has been a turntable listed for sale for quite some time that I have interest in, the listing is advertised as "Scout 21B Turntable Lo hrs current 2022 production".  I've noticed the listing time has expired without it being sold at least once, I think because a Reserve hasn't been met.  But it immediately shows up again with a new countdown clock.  This is what I've posted in the "Questions For The Seller" section:  "I asked this question once, but did not get an answer. Is this a "B Stock" turntable, and if so, what is the reason or reasons for it being B Stock. Thanks."

Is this a rude question to ask or does my question violate an unwritten code I'm not aware of?  I've done quite a bit of research and looking on Hi Fi sites, and I can't find a VPI Scout 21 turntable that has the "Letter B" included unless it is B-Stock.  Please correct me if I'm mistaken.  If I'm correct, it seems logical that if it is B-Stock the seller should explain why it is B-Stock if asked.  Nothing in the description identifies flaws, and the only picture is a stock photo from VPI.  Help me out -- am I missing something in how items are listed or just being ignored.  


Thanks and happy listening.



It's rare for me not to get a response in less than a day.

Your question isn't rude.

You asked a reasonable question but there are a few odd sellers here. Of course it's inexplicable if they don't respond, but I'd just shrug it off. If they were serious, they'd be happy to answer you.

Why not ask VPI what their B means? Could indicate “black”. What is “B stock” anyway? I’ve seen the term used but not defined. Anyway you probably don’t want to do business with a seller who won’t answer a simple question. Can you be sure he’s receiving your inquiries? If you’ve included an address or phone in your messages, Audiogon may block them.

@allenf1963 -

     My guess would be (IF the B does mean, "B Stock"): the seller doesn’t want to make that common knowledge, for obvious reasons.

                                                Caveat emptor



If it’s B stock, whatever that means, seller is obliged to disclose that fact. Do you know of any cases where any manufacturer adds a suffix B, when the product is from B stock? I don’t.