You can’t roll back the update once it’s done.
I inserted my recently updated Pontus II into my primary sound system, which is highly modded with tweaks for noise reduction all throughout the signal chain and power distribution, and I didn’t find any new problems with the top end on the DAC. I think it’s very likely those people with new issues with more energy in the top end are hearing the effects of unmitigated noise in their system which they are unaware of. In other words, from my testing and best estimate, the criticisms are coming from people with digital based systems that aren't doing more energetic higher frequencies in a pleasing, harmonious, and natural way.
The update had been a very welcome change in my experience. The fact that the NOS mode is now legitimate and sounds great needs more attention, imo.
If you do the update and don’t like the higher frequencies, since you can’t revert the change, I’d suggest investing in some noise killing mods (like linear power supplies in place of switching, Ethernet filters, grounding tech, vibration isolation, Heartsound Holostages, etc) and/or swapping for warmer sounding power cable for the unit to balance out the tone.