Acoustic Zen Matrix reference II IC

My system sounds a bit too forward with the AZ S. Reference and when I tried the AZ Absolute Copper, the sound became excessively dark and somewhat recessed. 

I'm wondering whether the Matrix Reference II's might split the difference.

Anyone tried them???????


@ryder I too am using Silver Ref and Silver Ref ll interconnects for 20 years and no desire to change.  Good example of when you design something well from the start, don’t f*ck with it. 

I put in my order to The Cable Co. , so hopefully, I'll find out soon which I prefer. 

So far, I like the Matrix II with acoustic music but dislike with electric music. 

I will keep listening. 




Make sure you have at least 100 hours on them before making any firm conclusions.  I also had success using the Silver Ref between source and pre and Matrix Ref between pre and amp if you’re running separates.