Wattgate Connector Measurements

Gang, I was so disappointed with my recent Wattgate purchase that I made a whole posting about my findings. I would be curious to know who can validate, or refute my post with data of their own.




Eric, this is EXACTLY the point I was trying to make.  The point of maximum contact on the Wattgates is all wrong.  Blows me away that this stuff makes it to market.  I do not have a degree in engineering--but I could have designed a plug far superior to this design.

Good research on your part.

I see that the plug didn’t work out for you, but the thesis you wrote was beautiful! Nice work, A+, the plug not so much I guess that gets an F

Did you compare the result of Wattgate, Connex and the stock Luxman plug into the Luxman C18 socket? Can the Wattgate plug in all the way?

Is it possible to post this thread on DIYAudio site? images/drawings are more easy to upload without require URL.