Wattgate Connector Measurements

Gang, I was so disappointed with my recent Wattgate purchase that I made a whole posting about my findings. I would be curious to know who can validate, or refute my post with data of their own.




@imhififan I could understand making the pin covers longer in cases where you needed to access a recessed inlet, but you'd think they'd also make the pins longer too, right?

Although the pin is 12mm length, I think the clip 6mm from the surface is a little too much, 2-3mm is more reasonable, IMO.🤔

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Although the pin is 12mm length, I think the clip 6mm from the surface is a little too much, 2-3mm is more reasonable, IMO.🤔

Which is what connex does and as a result there's 9mm of conductor overlap.  With Wattgate there's 3.3mm of conductor overlap.