Kirmuss Cleaning System Discuss?

Looking at the Kirmuss system and their process is explained in detail and the concepts are a bit more detailed than other discussions. 

Yeah the presenter in a lab coat brings back memories of Matthew Polk. But aside from that the process appears to have merits.


Any thoughts or observations?


Yeah I agree with @tannoytim it worked ok but it's like 21 steps! A real PITA to use. After less than a month it sat unused so sold it. No regrets.

Love my Kirmuss, so having clean vinyl is a pia but this system is simply the best.

Otherwise enjoy the dirt. 

The concept of "restoration" makes sense, but that's about it.

I've had a LP cleaned by Mr. Kirmuss at a show. While the end result did what's expected, it's not for everyone. Much to "hands on" for me, if you want to do the complete cleaning according to Kirmuss.

You don't have to do the multi-step process and just clean an LP like the rest.

If you have a lot of used LP's of questionable quality, along with lots of time to burn, it seems just as good as others for the price point.


To be honest I don't think it works any better than my degritter. And there's no way you can listen to music in the same room as it, it's very noisy. I would not recommend it.


@tannoytim  funniest post of the day who cleans LP's  in the same room  or while listening?

Simple simon. .