Goodbye Everyone

Rather than just disappear, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who gave me help, taught me stuff, the many friendly members.



FWIW I can relate to your thoughts/position. For myself, I usually post to stimulate thoughts, not so much to provide specific answers. For the most part I think I have the wrong audience. Yet I stay and try.

This forum really needs folks like you, whether they know it or not. You provide a counter balance to all of the folks who post with great certainty about things they know so little outside of their own stuff and room. 

Probably too late, but stick around if you can, or just visit so you can occasionally help someone. I think Babe Ruth didn't have a very high batting average, but he sure hit some home runs! :-)

Babe Ruth had a lifetime average of .342.

Not too shabby. And better than most of us batting here.

Elliot, if you continue to read this forum, perhaps you’ll still find occasion to comment.

@elliottbnewcombjr I get your loss for the demise of DPreview, I am a member and have chose to not rush into another forum where I can indulge myself with Z System Info'.

As for the Gon, I attempt to address the OP inquiry, only intend to share on experiences already encountered, and occasionally experiences to be planned for.

Most importantly I write in a hope the views into a thread are catered for, as there are usually numerous more onlookers that contributors, it is my hope I can crate something the onlooker from the present or future finds something offered up by myself to be a stimulation. 

Every so often a forum member will give a shout out for something that you have made known, and that is, when directed towards myself, is plentiful as a gesture of goodwill when received.    

Waddaya mean A'gon isn't a "warm" forum? That's a pile of crap! Get the hell outta here!