Very Interesting results. Thank You!
1. Do you have first hand personal experience LISTENING TO premium power cables?
2. In how many listening environments/systems have you auditioned premium power cables?
Zero. I haven’t listened to any
more than 3
3. What was your general impression of results of premium power cables?
Awesome!! Blew me away!! (Very, VERY, positive)
Significant improvements (Very positive)
I could hear something good happening (generally positive)
Heard no difference (neutral)
Sounded slightly worse (negative)
Get this thing out of my house!! (VERY negative)
4. What is your level of confidence in your evaluation?
A taser upside my head wouldn’t have been more apparent (100% confident)
Very high level of certainty (80% confident)
Made me smile when the cable was installed and the music started playing (60%)
I think I heard something (40%)
Could have gone either way with this (20%)
I’d fail a blind listening test for certain (less than 10%)
I didn’t listen
5. How many premium power cables are installed in your system?
Zero. I don’t own any.
more than 3
6. How many devices in your system are connected to premium power cables?
Zero. I don’t own any premium power cables.
More than 6
7. What is the approximate total RETAIL value of all of your premium power cables? 0
Zero. I don’t own any
less than $499
over $10,000
8. How important is the manufacturer’s (or other) premium cable design and engineering story/white paper to your purchasing decision?
Very important. Critical in my buying decision
Somewhat important. Had some affect on my purchase decision
Could care less. Bought them anyway.
Didn’t buy into the story, but bought them anyway
Didn’t buy into the story and chose not to purchase them as a result
The claims turned me off and disqualified the entire premium cable catagory for me
Other (please specify)
9. How many generations deep are you into your premium power cables?
Zero. I don’t own any.
Still on my original(s)
On my first upgrade.
On my second upgrade.
On my third upgrade.
Lost count. Hey, I’m a hobbyist. What can I say?
10. If you have NOT purchased a premium power cable, what is holding you back?
I want them, but don’t have the disposable income to invest in them
I want them but haven’t gotten around to buying them.
Too confusing.
Haven’t given them a serious audition
Not convinced
My equipment has attached power cords, so I can’t use them
Not applicable. I own premium power cable(s)
Other (please specify)
11. Related to your bias, what was your expectation of power cables BEFORE your first audition?
High. I expected a significant improvement
Somewhat optimistic about the result
Plausable. Could have some sonic benefit.
Not plausable. The theory just didn’t make sense to me, but listened anyway.
Low expectations. Was expecting no sonic difference.
There’s NO way these can make a difference.
Other (please specify)
12. Have you designed and built your own custom cables?