Synthesis Amplifiers: One of High End's Best Kept Secrets?

Just stopping by to share my enthusiasm for my new Synthesis A100 Titan integrated amplifier. For the past few years, I have been on the hunt for the best integrated amp I could find in my price range. I've had a Line Magnetic 508ia, a Devialet, a Lyngdorf TDAI-3400, a Boulder 866, a Vitus RI-101 mk2, and a Vitus SIA-025 mk2 in the past four or five years. I enjoyed aspects of each of these amps, some related to sonics, some to functionality, and some to build quality. 

And yet, in each case, after several months, I found that I wasn't quite getting the sound I wanted--rich, three-dimensional. engaging, and dynamic without being fatiguing. Too often, I found myself picking the sonic picture apart, assessing this or that at the expense of pure musical enjoyment.

I finally decided to give up on my hunt for the "perfect" solid state solution and go back to tubes, which led me to audition the Synthesis A100 Titan, an amp that features an octet of KT66 tubes, a pair of 12AX7, a pair of 12BH7, and even an onboard DAC. I was intrigued by this amp, but found very, very little written about it in the audio forums (here and elsewhere), except the praise of a couple of folks.

I've had it about a month now, so while I cannot give a guarantee that it is my "lifetime amp" in light of my history of amp promiscuity, I can say with absolute assurance that I find this amp far more satisfying and exciting than any of the amps I've had through here over the past few years.

In short, I am just astonished by it. I had assumed that at the very least, the onboard DAC would be inferior to my Lampizator Baltic 3, which is just wonderful in every respect, but as I spend more time comparing, I am not even sure of that anymore. The onboard DAC is so good that I am now planning to try some different USB cables to see how much performance can be squeezed out of it. Very possibly, my excellent Lampi may soon be up for sale.

Just to be clear, this is no ad, and I have no affiliation whatsoever with any dealer or distributor. I just can't believe how good this amp is, and how relatively unheralded it is. So I am heralding. The Titan is a pure pleasure to listen through every night, and a magical match with my Fyne speakers. The presentation is utterly immersive, and spellbinding. I am no longer picking the sound apart. There's no need.

If you are in the market, I highly recommend an audition.




To be honest, I do not know. I have yet to use the remote. He just mentioned it. 

I just cannot seem to go back to my Accuphase A-70 after the purchase of the A40. I just enjoy listening to it. Is it because it is the new toy, perhaps. It is just more listenable than the solid state amp. 

I just cannot seem to go back to my Accuphase A-70 after the purchase of the A40. I just enjoy listening to it. Is it because it is the new toy, perhaps. It is just more listenable than the solid state amp

I genuinely believe that with audio/music , just trust your ears. Whichever component you gravitate toward naturally is the right choice for you.


When I have time later in the week, I'll call about the remote.

Believe me, I know what you mean about going to back to solid state. I had some very nice, very highly regarded solid state amps through here the past couple of years, but I much prefer the Synthesis A100 to any of them. It is very hard to turn it out and go to bed at night, always a good sign!


Well, before I jump off the A-70 bandwagon, I just upgraded to the Audio Note Lexus cable and it made a huge difference in the solid state amp from the previous AN cable. The AN-LA cable sounded fine with the synthesis, but did not sound good with the Accuphase. Now, I can say both amps are equal in its value to the overall system. 


Hi all!

I agree with you about the Synthesis gear. I bought a combination: an older Synthesis Harmony, two Sythesis The Theatre monoblocks and the Synthesis CD player. I liked the way it looked.

When I got home and attached it for fun in the dining room to an old set of Rogers Studio 1 loudspeakers I was a stunned at how good it sounded! I used a simple, but very good Topping D70S DAC. So my experience with Synthesis is indeed a good one! I am now in the process to find the best set of matched tubes to place in these pre/power combo. I do the matching of the tubes on a calibrated AVO MKIII tube tester and the biasing should not be a big problem.

What I wanted to let you know: I own quite a lot of gear and I like to try a lot. My tip: try to find a USB bridge for your "older" DAC. ;o) 

What I am using for a long time is a VTL Reference DAC. You know maybe... the one with the two Ultra Analog DAC's in there and with tubes form 1990. I purchased a USB bridge X-SPDIF 2 from Matrix Audio to cleanup the USB signal and this changed my whole DAC/streaming experience. It merges the old world with the new world. 

I am now streaming from a specially powered HPE SFF Z240 workstation (NVMe based) through the Matrix Audio X-SPDIF 2 to the VTL Reference DAC.

Maybe you have tried allready, but you might try a X-SPDIF 2 in front of your Lampizator?