Alan Maher Designs

Hi there I have been using Alan maher designs products for the past 4 months. Have any audiogon members used his products before? If so any comments ?

I  started of with 4 of his cbf 0hz at my circuit breaker side which later I added on with his pressure plate. Im mighty impressed with the results I am getting. The improvements is across the board in my audio setup and my LCD panel now looks like 4k !!. Next i used his fuse wraps and that took me up another level especially on my TV resolution(UK plugs). I have ordered more of his stuff (emi clamps, platforms, QPI) but as of now the products he offer seems to be doing so much more if you look in a price point of view.

There's so much of information that he shares in his FB post that has given me a good understanding about the reality of our electrical lines and how much of dirty power is running in our homes.

@ivan_nosnibor Thanks for the rapid response!  Alan’s QPIs have been great in both my stereo and separate video systems. 

@txp1 i have been using Alan's Maxwell QPI and i can tell you theres a significant jump compared to his 0hz,aqua series..he has managed to combine few of his previous designs into an all in one solution..i can't comment much what he has done cause i dont know what is the contents of his maxwell qpi. But i can attest that his current Maxwell line has big improvements compared to his previous generations. As for the ethernet cable, sorry i have no experienced with it ..hope this helps :).

@tjbhuler  it helped!  I bought both the Maxwell QPI and the Ambiance Ethernet cable.  After they burn-in, especially the Ethernet cable, I may update this thread.  Thanks for the info!

Thats fantastic! Please do update on his ethernet cable will definitely wanna hear your opinion :)