Cadenza Bronze on a Fatboy

I have a question about how close the bottom of my Ortofon Cadenza Bronze is to the surface of the record. I’m using a VPI prime signature with the fatboy gimbal arm. I have used a Wally reference jig to perfectly set the arm level to the platter. After mounting the cartridge there is barely a gap between the record surface and the cartridge body. Is this normal? It’s not rubbing. 


Can’t imagine how you are getting that unless the cartridge is really short.

@dogberry what protractor/setup are you using to look at the angle? In the pic it's at 23 degrees what is your goal?

Following a procedure I saw on YT (by Ortofon), I get the cantilever roughly right as a way of getting the SRA in the ballpark. Then I can do the more fiddly photos of the stylus itself to get that adjusted as close to 92 as I can. Then I go and change it all after listening to it!

It is normal for the Cadenza series and that’s why I would never own one. It is simply a poor design to have the heel ride so close to the playing surface when properly set up. Try playing a warped record at 45 rpm and see if it makes repeated contact with the LP.