New Vandersteen Control Center (pre amp) will be at the Ultra Fidelis room at AXPONIA

I have been told that it is a speciality preamp with a lot of special controls that are all remote controlled etc…. I’m dying to hear it as i need a preamp and currently own Vandersteen Quatro’s and the Vandersteen amps.  I’m hoping to get initial impressions from folks who get to listen to it.  Jon Spelt is the owner of Ultra Fidelis and will always have a well tuned room.  May not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m hoping to get feedback on design in addition to sound of the room (I know it’s only a show, but sound is still sound).  Thanks in advance.  


I have heard the amplifiers and they were genuinely one of the few ultra-expensive amps I've ever heard that I thought were genuinely worth the asking price.

So, based on that I'm sure the preamp will be wonderful and too expensive for me at the same time. :)

I use the M5-HPA in my Quatro Woods.  Great combo.  I use a Pass XP-22 pre and a 5M XLR interconnect.  I’m assuming the Vandy pre can also output XLR/balanced given Richards preference for that connection on his amps.

Thanks for hopping on guys. Great to see you all. It’s fully balanced as one would expect. I can’t wait to hear feedback for those who are there. Just back home for a week at NIH. Spoke to Richard and he’s also at the show to show off his new toy. Have fun and please keep this thread alive 

Update.  The preamp will be at Audio Connections in Verona, NJ in the early fall I believe. They wanted to make sure it was working flawlessly programming wise. They are covering old tech in a new way to create an amazing control center. Can’t wait. 

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