Stupid Asking Prices- Why Don't Sellers Read Audiogon The Blue Book First?

I’m amazed at the prices most people ask for used equipment. I frequently see 15 year old tube gear with 2000 or so hours on the valves offered for sale at insane-nobody-is-that-stupid prices. Frequently the seller lists the original retail price of the item in the ad then asks 1/2 of that- imagining that it must surely be worth at least 1/2 of retail right?

I’m perplexed as to why a seller does not consider the reliable Audiogon Blue Book as a guide, and consider the condition of the gear as a factor in resale value.

I have also seen sellers refuse an at market offer and say "for that price I’ll just put it in my storage place" while it further depreciates.

Is it that most guys with high end gear are rich enough to ignore the value of moving money because their sense of value is offended?

Asking for a friend......😎


128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xyesiam_a_pirate

I am often quite surprised at both how much, or how little some items sell for...and sometimes it makes sense not to sell if you can't get price you doesn't stay in closet but often get used in new system...

If you don't want to pay for Audiogon's Blue Book, it's easy to use to look up completed listings to see what products sold for. 

@jaytor ,


I have used HifiShark for years not only to get an idea of prices, but to find equipment.  A very useful website.


If you are here (Audiogon) often enough, or long enough, you get a sense of where used stereo items should be priced. As an insider, I can confirm my educated guess using the Audiogon Bluebook. What is funny to me is how indignant some sellers get when you point out that their price is simply too high. HiFiShark is helpful as well, but you need to convert the different foreign exchange rates.