Floorstanders for $3500

Has anyone compared Revel F206, PSB Synchrony or Imagine, Vienna Acoustics Mozart, Acoustic Zen Adagio, Von Schweikert, Spendor, KEF, etc. I would like to hear opinions of towers in this price range & what one thinks is the best buy, new or used.
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Driven by Manley tube KT90 monoblocks. Room is 18 X 20 X
8 ft ceiling. Priority is NATURAL TONALITY & TIMBRE. Live, unamplified acoustic instruments & voice are my standard. Jazz, classical, folk, world & rock, I enjoy it all.
You listed some great speakers. Not sure how tube friendly some of them are, but I'll throw in the Reference 3A Grand Veenas and Joseph Audio RM25XLs, both of which are for sale here now. I think their outstanding imaging and naturally neutral sound would excel at live, unamplified music while doing everything else very well too. They are both relatively tube friendly as well. Best of luck.
Well now that we know the size of your room, amplification, musical preferences, I stick by my Grand Veena recommendation.

There is a pair of Coincident Super Eclipse 3's for sale right now at 2500.00. Totally tube amp friendly and a good size for your room. They look perfect in the photos. That's my recommendation for today.

BTW, your original list didn't include anything that would be considered tube friendly except maybe the Acoustic Zen. Remember, the amp/speaker marriage is extremely important.