Axpona 2023

I am seeing videos from Axpona come in and this ACTIVE budget system sounds amazing, even with low rez youtube. People are guessing it costs $15K in the audience, and jaws are hitting the floor when they find out its less than $3K for EVERYTHING. Talk about confusion, listen to the stunned questions. I keep posting about the benefit of these active "systems" . The audience looks like they just saw ET, hilarious reactions:


It seemed everyone in that video had their head explode. One guy gets up to look behind the speaker like their might be something secret in the back, hilarious. Looking at the Cabasse line up I would love to hear the big active speakers if the small ones sound so good:


Don’t understand the last question? Most of us (who couldn’t go to AXPONA) were glued to our screens watching multiple room videos pouring in. I could have just as easily posted what the OP posted. How does that translate to me working for a vendor?

 Asking for a friend….


OP—I’ll add to this by saying that in addition to the active/dsp by Cabasse that you posted, another active/dsp system that was blowing minds was the BACCH SP room. Check out some videos if you haven’t already.

Separate. Amps f quality just sound more realistic , he class D going into these systems are hypex or less and are ok , untill you hear a good amplifier . This is more about budget , look atYGacousticstheiractive system sounds very good 

$50 K , non active $30k  for the Speakers , for $20 k I will choose my own setup 

i get it much less wires and  nice and tidy ,call me old fashion ,I like my rack with 

electronics of my choosing.