Floorstanders for $3500

Has anyone compared Revel F206, PSB Synchrony or Imagine, Vienna Acoustics Mozart, Acoustic Zen Adagio, Von Schweikert, Spendor, KEF, etc. I would like to hear opinions of towers in this price range & what one thinks is the best buy, new or used.
Ag insider logo xs@2x47ghibli
Add me to the Venere 3.0 recommendations. I heard the 2.5s extensively and their ability to draw you into the music--any music--is compelling. The 3.0s are that much better with increased linearity, dynamics, and frequency extension. Their nominal impedance is 6 ohms.

I just read Manley's info on the Retro Monoblocks, and the output taps are optimized for 5 ohms. You couldn't really ask for a better match.

I don't know if WAF is a factor here, but the Venere floorstanders are drop-dead gorgeous as well.

Venere 3.0 Reviews:

o Tone Publications
o 6Moons
o Dagogo
o SoundstateUltra
o Soundstage UltraAudio Q&A (the reviewer bought the review pair)
o Home Theater High Fidelity
o Soundstage HiFi