What record cleaner is the most bang for the buck??


From the $3500 rigs down to the $400-$600 rigs on Amazon which have you used, and think do the best job?


I’ve owned a Disc Doctor and a Degritter.  The Degritter was the better value because it more fully cleaned a record and did so with little effort on my part.  For neglected records I use DD first and then the Disc Doctor on Heavy Clean.

Look at the Keith Monks Prodigy, I believe they start at $1000 and go to around $2000. No Re-Contamination and quiet and fairly quick.

To counter a post above, IMHO 99.9% of people don’t take record cleaning seriously enough.

I use a VPI 16.5 cleaner and Audio Intelligent Premium Record Cleaner — Formula #15.

For the sake of thoroughness, discussions of record cleaning should probably include:
