What is the most challenging music to play on a stereo?

If you really wanted to test the ability of a stereo, what type of music would you choose?


I’ve read a phrase here that stated “help, my Steinway sounds like a banjo”. I always recollect to this phrase when listening to solo piano. Months ago I was invited to a friends home and they have a vintage Steinway Baby Grand (which was just tuned). I had him play a few things and also played with the piano myself (the little I can bang on the keys) and I noticed there is a little muffle when the the hammer hits the strings. The hammer has some sort of velvet on it and so the instant that hammer hits the string, the note is actually not as airy and sharp. For the Tube amp guys here I would explain it as more of a Mullard EL34 sound vs Gold Lion KT77. Hope that makes sense.

@pangeek --

Yes, all the hammers on a true acoustic piano are padded. Some brands more than others. As the piano is played and the hammers strike the strings, they eventually compress & harden up and produce a brighter tone. When things go a little too far, a piano tech might soften the hammers, giving them a bit of their previously rounded tone.

I never owned a Steinway (I just never had the lucre), but the ones I lovingly "tested" at the piano dealers varied immensely, from bright to mellow. I have to say, though, that they never sounded rinky-dink.

Been listening to Dark Side of the Moon every time I try out a system for the past 44 years. Good to use the same music whatever it is I think. Plus, I never tire of listening to it. Greatest album of all time! IM(less than humble)O

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Try Shostakovich Symphony No 10 with Andris Nelsens conducting , that will clean your ears out and rattle the crockery !!!