Your comment about my vision is not required. More sensitive people would regard it as insulting.
I don't need anti-skating any more but there sure has been a load of rubbish written here. The only known facts are: you need it, the amount required varies as the arm moves across the record, = to tracking weight is loads too much, implementing it well is devilishly difficult without ruining the performance of the arm.
In the Aeroarm the tiny air current is expelled sideways along the arm beam, nowhere near the cartridge.
Your imagined evaluation of its resonances can only be fictional because you cannot know what they are. Whatever they may be, they are always invisible and inaudible.
I already told you the Aeroarm deals with disc thickness differences by an easy arm height adjustment; you obviously have trouble reading (touché re your comment on my eysight)
You say simplicity is best. Look at the bloody Schroder! It is a poor over-complex clunky design. It introduces an undesirable third freedom of movement that is likely to allow catastrophic arm pillar movement, entirely ruining the SQ (remember a few microns is bad). The Aeroarm has only two freedoms of movement, as in a conventional pivoted arm.
I told you I did not require your advice on arm acquisition - again you have comprehension difficulties
We shall have to agree to differ.