What is equal to the Rega Apollo for less money?

I am replacing a 20 year old CD player. I have read the major reviews of the Rega Apollo CD player, and several positive reviews from fellow members. I would like to have input as to what current CD player may be equal or almost equal to the sound and performance of the Rega for less money. I like the appearance of the Rega, but not some of its features, but I could live with them. Unfortunately Rega's recent price increase has made it less affordable for me (Though, there have been several good offerings on this website.) I currently have a Creek 5350SE Classic integrated amp; a pair of Silverline Prelude II speakers and Analysis Plus Oval 12 speaker wire. My current CD player is the Sonographe SD-1 and the interconnect cable is the Audio Magic Spellcaster II. All are plugged into an Audio Prism Power Wedge 116 power line conditioner. I do not have a Rega dealer that is close enough for me to audition the player.... Thank you, Jim
That's the problem...the drives. Everything around them is solid and the remote is a brick. I can say that mine has been in regular use for over four years without a hitch but that's just me.

All the more reason to spring for the a Rega -- one less thing to go wrong.
Many thanks for the responses. I appreciate the advice offered by those who answered the post so far. It looks like the Rega Apollo wins....by almost a knock out. Thanks Jim
Not to rain on anyone's parade, but I found the Apollo to be a bit lean in the bass. It did not sound any better or worse than several players in the same price range, just a bit different. I preferred the Marantz 8001 and the jolida with upgraded tubes. The Onkyo 7555 is a much better value for money, imo.
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I too, have had CA issues.
1st one delievered DOA, the dealer fixed it by putting something mechanical back in place. I didn't want it back.
The 2nd ALSO delivered DOA (can you believe it?) had a ribbon cable edge connector raised about 2mm at one end and the laser didn't light. I use that player today....a CA 840cb....
This player brings so much to the table that I'll really be disappointed if it turns out to be a TURKEY....they'll get it back in a ziplock baggie.
There are ONLY 2 logical possibilities....
1. Shoddy build quality....assembly Asleep at the Wheel.
2. Shipping by airfreight...delivery by parachute drop.

Cambridge never answered my suggestion to use 'shockwatch' system on packaging. (goole shockwatch)....