@8th-note what is a "household worth a million"? The house is worth a million? With the mortgage paid off? Or they have 1 million in assets? Liquid assets? Otherwise it’s worth ZERO as far as disposable income - they can’t buy speakers from their 401K.
I live in a city of 2 million people where a third of the houses are valued over 1 million and these people are not millionaires in any sense. They can’t afford a 10K system let along 2K. They are happy to pay their bills and late fees by the end of the month.
... and so I looked it up.
Net worth includes equity in the home. By that definition 4 out 5 of my neighbors are millionaires. Yet they can't afford dental work and new tires on their 15 year old Corolla. Let alone a pair of decent speakers.