What to try?

Currently have Yamaha As1200 integrated with KLH Model 5.  Looking to get a more refined sound with a tube integrated.  220 square foot room,  8 foot ceilings.  I  am getting a somewhat foreword presentation now but good solid clear sound with punch.  Thinking about a Pathos Classic One MkIII or Willsenton R8 or Line Magnetic KT88.  The Pathos is a hybrid but have heard good things.  Play mostly vinyl with Fluance RT 85 and Ortofon Blue. Listen to mostly rock and alt country and some classical.   Just thinking of dipping my toes into tubes to get a different sound.  Any suggestions?


That VPI amp looks very interesting as does the Octave  I will do some research  I can not find the Pathos @soix  suggested  I know that Upscale Audio is a dealer and importer and has a 30 or 60 day trial but shipping is on buyer   That is another possibility to at least demo one but it will cost shipping if it is not a fit with my Model 5a which are well built look great and sound full  


I went from a LineMagnetic KT88 to Raven Audio and never looked back. Looking to go up in their line next to the Reflection. Details in my profile.

Within your budget, but no phono stage.

They sell direct only, 45 day in home trial, and 100% trade-up value within 12 months.

Why would you want the phono stage built in? There are so many seperate phono stages....plus you just box yourself in with one that's built in. Get a Sugden A21se and be happy...

the advantage of a separate phono stage is also: amps without phono stage tend to be better value. It's a questionable and generic statement but with some truth to it, as much as I've seen...

Agree, better separate phono stage, but good phono separates can get pricey.  The phono stage alone can transform what you hear.