CDP better than Oppo 970HD

Hi all, I am looking for a CDP under $1000 used that can beat my current Oppo 970HD. Rega's CDP is out of the list because space issue due to top loading. Also, the player has to be less than 4" height. My system is Sim I5, Dynaudio Contour 1.8 MkII.
The Simaudio Equinox is not on my list because it's thicker than 4", can not fit into my cabinet.
I've run my Oppo through the excellent DAC of my Playback Designs MPS-5 with excellent results. The CD performance of the Oppo improved 90+% when used thusly. Hence, I think that you might consider investing in a good DAC in your price range, like the Benchmark or Bel Canto. With a good DAC in your system you can use it with other sources as well, like a server or iPod reader.

The transport is indeed important, but IMHO the DAC is responsible for a lot more of the performance, particularly in your price range.

Oppo is OK on audio, but not close to a 1K cdp, unless you add outboard DAC, then it can be better.
I know many may not agree but the Lexicon RT-10 is a universal SACD, DVDA, DVD, CDR and 2 channel cd player and across the board is a great performer and is used in your budget.
i consider the oppo, mediocre at best as a cd player and only fair, as a transport. i own one and am using it as a dvd player.

i would not consider using it as a cd player, unless it was paired with a very euphonic pre and amp. my friend had his oppo connected to an art dio, feeding a modded dyna pre and stock dyna stereo 70. the combo sounded pretty good until he replaced the oppo and dac with a sony playstation one, which he and i prefer.