New Wolf Von Langa SON Owner!

I am the new owner of a pair of Wolf Von Langa SONs which I bought from Gestalt Audio at AXPONA last week.  I am just in the process of dialing them in with Colin in my small listening space of approx.  11' X 11'.

The Power Supply Unit for the speakers does not come with a cord, and I am currently using the stock cord that came with my Audio Research I 50 amp.  How important is having a high quality power cord on the PSU?

I was surprised to hear the difference in sound using the small rubber pucks that came with the speaker.  Has anyone used IsoAcoustic footers on their SONs?  Colin recommends them as a step up from the pucks.

I am currently using Masterbuilt Performance Line speaker cables.  I sounds like there is real synergy with the Hijiri cables and the SONs.  Comments?



Congratulations on a great speaker purchase.  Consider the Townshend Platforms which are my personal preference.  They are tuned for the mass of your speaker.

Your power supply drives your field coil and may not benefit much from an upgraded power cord, depending on how much reserve energy is stored in the power supply.  It only puts out a few watts per speaker.  But I never take any chances.  I focus on the gauge of the power cable more than the claims of the maker.  I'd go with a 12 awg cord.



Thanks, Jerry.  

I will check out the Townsend platforms.  In the case of the Iso Acoustics, if they are being used on carpeting, there are spikes which attach to the cups to better effectuate the isolation.  Is there something similar for the Townsends?

The floor doesn't matter with spring mounts because the springs isolate the speaker from the floor.  I currently have my speakers located with the front feet on the carpet and the back feet on the hardwood.  

Townshend had about a 3" diameter pad that sits on the floor.  Very floor friendly for any type of surface.


Congrats on your new speakers I heard them at CAF and they are fantastic sounding speakers I really love field coils! It sounds like Colin would be the person to task about a power cord for the power supply he seems like a standup guy and great ears obviously. Also please post a virtual system so we can ogle your new speakers!

I agree with jond I'd run your cord question by Colin. I've done a few transactions with him and he never pushes or oversells