Avalon Opus Ceramique

I’m using Electrocompaniet AW-180 Mono-block power-amp for my Avalon Ascendant II speaker,my amp give enough power to my speaker and I like the result. Just want to know if my amp can also handle Avalon Opus Ceramique very well? Does Opus Ceramique are difficult to drive?
Ceramique very limited in bass extension. Suitable for small rooms with construction material that traps bass energy (concrete). Bass is insufficient for medium size room. May work if listening position has large bass modes (e.g. chair close to wall behind listener).
It is not a big speaker. The bass unit is not thst big, so it does not go that deep. But what makes this speaker different to other Avalons, is timing!
Glai, have you done any experimentation with other speaker footers such as decoupling devises or other spikes?
I am dealer of Still points. They are F. awesome!!

I owned and tested many, these are the best I tested sofar!