Speaker recommendations :-)

Hi there good people 

In short, wanted to hear your ideas. I am into jazz and acoustic music and this is my equipment list, maybe it will help. Listening room is around 50m2 of area.  At this moment i dont have speakers, sold last one already. ( Wilson Sophia 3 ). 

Lamm M1.2Ref. monos,  

Lamm LL1.1. preamp ,

Lamm LP1 Phono. 

dCS Apex Vivaldi Dac + Cd+ Clock + Upsampler

Turntable: Chronos Pro


I am not looking for the “best speakers in the Universe”, just wanted to hear some ideas , maybe they will lead to new  interesting synergy of my system.


Thank you for your time :-)



If you can wait a while the new Emerald Physics line is coming out. They are of open baffle design, so no cabinet resonance to contend with. I'm hoping they will be as efficient as the old line. The old ones image as good as any speaker I've heard and are very efficient. They come with an external crossover so can single-bi-or tri-amped. Very detailed and dynamic....Kind of like a dynamic sounding Magnepan. They used a coaxial tweeter/midrange arrangement. Factory direct, so pricing is extremely good. I sold my B&W 802D's to get the EP2.8's and I never looked back. Just my opinion.

My Martin Logan Classic 9’s make jazz a totally immersive experience, for larger rooms one can get the 11A, 13A or for a large room the 15A’s.   Guitar, piano and female vocals are just plain lifelike. 

what’s Chronos Pro? Kronos? It’s a 45K TT.

Go with Kharma speakers, it comes already mispelled :)