CD player NOT made in China under $1,000?

Is there a CD player NOT Made in China, but preferably Made in Quality, under $1,000?
Great; I knew I would find some good answers here! Thanks!

The AH! Njoe Tjoeb 4000 seems to be an older model; reviews date back to 2001 and 2002. Does that not matter?

Rich wrote: "There's the Rega Apollo. Don't quite accept the quality reference though."

Good lead, thanks. Regarding the quality reference, do you mean that the Rega is not good quality, or do you mean that all Made in China stuff is not necessary poor quality?

I have a plastic cup Made in China. It leaks.
Tgrisham wrote: "the same quality made in the US or Canada or Europe will be twice as much"

That's perfectly OK with me. So why is there not a larger selection of CD players made in these countries at $1,000 or so? There are hundreds (thousands) of China-made CD players under $500; I would be prepared to buy the same made in the UK or Germany if it was twice (or, pushing a little, even three times the price).

I have several issues with buying stuff Made in China (let's say it has bad vibes), and I am amazed that the disappearance of any low and mid-range products made elsewhere has seemingly gone un-noticed.