Seeking more 3d imaging, deeper/wider soundstage

I'm considering replacing either my amp or my pre. My system is profiled in my system link. Which do you think would improve soundstage/imaging more:
Replace the P3? I'd consider used McCormack, or a passive line stage, but my amp clips at 5v, which is what my DAC puts out when using the XLR outputs, and I'd like to try those someday...not sure a passive is a good fit for my system? Plus I require a remote. That's a deal breaker.
Replace the Rotel RB-1080? I'd consider parasound (a21 is a bit too pricey for me), used McCormack, odyssey, maybe even older krell or classe. I want XLR inputs tho.
Budget is $900-$1200 for either. Music spans the full gamut, excluding hip hop and country. Room is small, 12x12x8. I'm going to throw up some affordable foam acoustic absorption this summer (foam factory). Thnx in advance.
Power conditioning may likely help as well but not so much until early reflections are eliminated via at least a couple feet or so to walls. I'd do that first. Its free and easy. Then see what some power conditioning can add.
I sold Rotel for over 6 years of time. It is a 2 dimensional brand, it can create maximum 1 metre of depth. Instruments and voices are on one line togheter.
Agree with Bo on lack of depth. And my system pics are out of date regarding speaker placement, I now have them on a different wall and set out from the back wall quite a bit. My equipment list is correct, but not the layout of the room. I'll upload some new pics tonight. I did follow some rules of thumb for distances from back and side walls.
Placing the sub between the speakers would be difficult, the room isn't that large and the sub would be too close to listening position IMHO.
Haven't done room treatments yet, but sitting position is very close to back wall, so need treatment at first reflection points and back wall.
Bo1972, what other amp brands have you sold that outpace Rotel?
These days I only sell 3 dimensional sound.

Onkyo is the cheapest brand I know to date which can create a wide an deep stage.

The other brands I use are: Primare and Pass labs.

You can look for a used Primare A30.2 or A33.2

Most brands are 2 dimensional: Marantz, Cambridge, Denon, Yamaha, NAD, Harman Kardon are all 2 dimensional.

* You have to understand that all parts of a set need to be able to give depth. In my tests I have proven that a 2 dimensional brand always will F....up the 3 dimensional stage. For example: a 2 dimensional source will F...up Always a 3D stage.

I call 2 dimensional audio Standard Audio. Because a simple amp of 100 dollar will build the stage the same way.
Have you considered tubes? Something like a Rogue Cronus integrated or their Atlas amp. (Neither have XLR connections, which are rare on affordable tube gear.). Rogue's tube gear is easy to maintain.